Removal of the head lights and rotating gear assembly. This was a bit challenging figuring out how it all comes apart
I assume one side was out before as only one still had the rubber strip on top of it
They have certainly seen better days
This sure explains all the problems with rotating and locking into place and how hard it was to attempt to open and close felt like the handle or cable was gonna give
Were looking much better now I'm glad I was able to get these cleaned up and regreased again. I though I was gonna have to pull the completely apart and rebuild but no rebuild kits were available here in the states
As you could imagine when the lights were open or closed they flopped around like a hound dogs ears blowin in the wind. I found all kinds of P.O. attempted fixes to correct the lights that all failed miserably. The passenger side micro switch was poorly bypassed The wiring at the relays were either pulled off or cut as well as the power feeds to the main relays. I thought for sure that after all the micro switches were replaced as well as all the wiring to the the them I just new once I rewired and put it all back together I was gonna find out that all the relays were fried and I would have to replace those as well.
So far so good looks like were rotating well so far.
Were locking in to place good and no more hound ears flapping
Pretty sure this is what my eyes looked like after figuring o
how to put all this mess back together I tell ya the spacer/flex washers were fun to get back together it took quite a bit of time figuring how this all goes back in. They roll over super smooth now almost with one finger. Now to figure out the mess of detached wiring under the dash and see what else will need replacing.
Thank goodness for the 73 F.S.M. And great info from OGTS or I would probably be at a great disadvantage I was able to get everything rewired back to factory. So lets fire them up.
Oh boy Houston we have a problem no lights Not even a click from the relays this can't be good WTF well let's start checking power We got nothing anywhere what the heck am I missing here?
AAAHHH son can you hand me the keys I think I know whats wrong DDDDAAAAA lights wont work with out power D.AZZ we turned the key to on and fwawla lights are on and high beams work as well relays are good wooo hooo. If we drive a night I have to say low beam is REALLY low beam yellow low beam looks like an upgrade to those bulbs will be indeed a great future option but hey we got lights.
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