- Official Post
Finally got pictures to show what the problem was using a 2.4L oil pump cover, Crank position sensor and motronic pulley on a 1.9L timing cover.
I had installed 2.4L motronic on a new 2.5L build I recently did, and started having problems getting the car to start. Being motronic controls the ignition, it wasn't a simple solution to fix. As no amount of turning the distributor, or checking the cam pulley helped.
6 weeks of replacing parts and checking the head, checking ECU, etc.. etc.. and came across the issue and solution by accident.
Long story short, the gasket pushes the oil pump cover up and thus takes the crank sensor out of range. Yes that paper thin gasket was the problem.
So make sure to measure the gap with a proper feeler gauge. As my gauges were inches, I used my digital caliper the confirm the feelers. This also helped becuase I was having to use two feelers to get in the range.
So once confirmed that gap was too large. To get back in range I used sandpaper and file on top side of oil pump.
The range is really small, 0.3 to 1.3mm, measured from the tip of sensor to the ring on the pulley.
Also note TDC is easily seen on a EFI crank pulley, no more checking back at the firewall.