- Official Post
List of Opel CIH 5 speeds and ratios.
Stock Opel 4 spd
1st 3.428
2nd 2.156
3rd 1.366
4th 1.000
Getrag 240 5 speed ( Manta B, the smallest and easiest to install )
1st 3.717
2nd 2.019
3rd 1.316
4th 1.000
5th 0.804
R25 - Omega / Senator
1st 3.95:1
2nd 2.19:1
3rd 1.39:1
4th 1.00:1
5th 0.84:1
Rev 3.53:1
Getrag 265 5 speed - Senator / Rekord ?
1st 3.822
2nd 2.200
3rd 1.398
4th 1.000
5th 0.813
ZF S5-18/3 - Kadett GTE ( very rare, very expensive.. BUT remanufacturer.. for about $8000.00)
http://historicmotorsporttransmissions.com/shop/zf-s5-18-…chromesh-gears/ )
1st 2.99
2nd 1.76
3rd 1.300
4th 1.000
5th 0.87
I'm posting this as it wasnt easily found anywhere online.. now it will be
Im also planning on trying to install the more common R25 into a GT soon.