We're back on the streets of Toronto for 2016. A full day of fun with the BBQ smoking and the Steamwhistle chilling....
Posts by Rionart
After this years hiatus due to my travels, we are back next year, bigger and better than ever!
The date for 2016 is set as Sat 25th June.
More details will follow in the new year, so mark your calendar now....
Cheers, Rob. -
Thunderstorms forecast for Sat and PM on Sun...Fri might be the best day weather wise....
But if previous years are anything to go by, the weather is but a small factor in the weekends enjoyment... -
"Targeted advertising"....I see it more and more...I'd love to be able to pull up a list of "current cookies" on my PC just to see what/who was there...
I'm not sure what I'm bringing to Carlisle this year, I'm running out of fresh vehicles (I don't think a 4x4 Frontera would go down well). It probably won't be the Senny, I have a grumbling rear CV joint to take care of...It might end up being my plain jane silver GT.
Maybe later in the year we can rendevous somewhere?? -
Just a heads up here first, there will be no "Opels on the Avenue" this year.
We had a great turnout last year, and I've promised to keep the event going, however we are taking a one year sabbatical and will be back bigger and better in 2016.
Cheers, Rob. -
Newbie from up North here...got a couple of these old Opel type thingies....