Confirmed yesterday... birthday party is Saturday. There's always next year for Carlisle . I bought tickets a couple years back but couldn't make it.
Posts by Vanjoe
Found the new Opel place via Facebook. Just had the GT out for a ride a couple days ago. Soon as I get a new State Inspection sticker, I can drive it in daylight.
This is the year to do first start up on 2 Gt's that have sat around far too long. Then decide what to do with them and reduce to owning just 2.
Garage is too big to heat in winter and once spring rolls around its time to drive, the GT, the dirtbikes, go camping, fishing. I never get stuff done but sure do enjoy warm weather time.
Found great public dirtbike riding in Pa last summer. I know there is good trout fishing near Carlisle. I could load the dirtbike, camping, fishing stuff and have ablast at Carlisle! But grandchild's first birthday party is the same weekend above NYC. I'm new at the grandparent thing.... Grandpa Opelers? would it be acceptable to go to Carlisle instead of NYC?