There are a fair amount of Opel owners. This site is a bit slow as far as a traffic goes. Personally have been busy with other stuff so this is the first I have checked in on here in a while. Welcome.
Posts by Yellow73GT
They are smoking crack. No way it only has 18 thousand miles, maybe 118,000 but not less because if it had only 18 k on it (picture of the speedo odometer shows 16 thousand, and that mileage isn't accurate for sure.), there would have been no need for a "restoration" (what they did is NOT a restoration, if it had been, then the car would not be blue on the interior and yellow on the outside, just look to the drivers pedal assembly for verification of what I say) missing parts, wrong taillights, no back up lights, altered and butchered dash and rear package deck, butchered front grill area, claims dual exhaust but anyone who KNOWS Opel GT's KNOWS that just because it has 2 pipes sticking out the back does NOT make it dual exhaust so NOTHING special there and dual exhaust would not really be beneficial to this car even if it had it (it don't), no pictures of the actual underside of the car with it on a hoist so you can actually see the overall condition and the ENTIRE underside which would give a better idea of actual condition and whether there is any rust or damage, and a filthy interior and if you look closely at the pictures that do not actually show anything other than speakers on the back deck you can tell the headliner is falling down in back and the side panels are as ratty as all hell and they avoid showing the back area as a whole. I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to be suckered into paying that for that car. If I am spending 35K it better be BRAND NEW top to bottom and front to back, That is not. Smells of shady dealings to be sure. I would maybe consider 10 grand, but only an idiot would pay what they are asking. Just my opinion.
The elegant Opel GT coupe was introduced as a concept at the 1965 Frankfurt and Paris Motor Shows and widely hailed in Europe as a mini Corvette. Opel was GM’s European satellite, and the GT’s origins were definitely entangled with the redesigned 1968 C3 Corvette; both shared styling cues from the 1965 Mako Shark II.
Another post that is a couple years old, but since you drug it back to life, I too would be interested to know what the youngster decided to do.
GT's are great cars, but the issue for anyone under the age of 25 will always be insurance costs (especially for males under the age of 25) and in most cases may run more than the actual car would and will cost during ownership AND if anything does happen, regular insurance wont pay squat and I guarantee Hagerty and other collector car insurance just plain WONT insure you for driving until your 25 years old (I know this to be fact as I have 2 old collector cars insured through them and they wont insure for my kids to drive them until they are/were 25). I would NEVER suggest ANY 2 door sports car for anyone under the age of 25, at least not for an actual commuter car. As a project for eventual use when they have some years under their belt as far as driving experience then yes, but definitely NOT a first car and or daily driver, could end up being his last and only car if he gets hit or wrecks, I should know I was almost killed in my GT back in 86 when and old guy decided his left turn was more important than my right of way, and that was only at about 35 mph. -
Uhm, I am pretty sure that whatever he was going to do, he most likely already has done, this thread is from 5 years ago. Nice to see someone post though, been a while since I had seen any activity here.
Welcome. Life happens, and hobbies are not always the priority. You'll get there.
Finally had the opportunity to get the shell moved down here to the new house. 1100 miles. It IS going to happen.
I have had zero issues navigating this site.
You did an absolutely great job on this site Gary. If I ever get a chance to meet you, I will buy you your favorite refreshing beverage and shake your hand for all you do to keep the Opel community alive. -
Yeah thanks guys. Everyday above the dirt is a good day.
Will be going back to ND to pick up the shell sometime this summer, couldn't move it with us when we moved down here to Colorado couple years ago, and I really hate not having my stuff near so I can work on it, so will be a big step towards getting things going again.. Also with my connections through my employer, I have access to powder coating for a reasonable rate so am going to powder coat everything I can on under side (suspension parts and stuff) and probably my trim stuff like bumpers and headlight housings, etc. Should be fun times.
I will be starting up a build thread here at some point (I hope).
Just shouting out to see who all is still checking in. Planning on making some strides with my 73 GT project this year, now that I am in remission. Anyone else planning any GT action this year?
sorry, I only know English.
Well I see being a part of the opel community is a failed prospect. Time to send all this crap to the scrap metal company.
Ideally RallyBob but anyone else with experience on the subject. The replacement piston I got from OpelGTSource is not EXACTLY like the others I have. I now am going to have to track down a scale and weigh each piston so I know if there is enough of a difference in weight to be an issue. I wouldn't think those four holes would shave a lot off the weight, but if there is enough of a difference am I going to need to modify all of them to match, send this one back in hopes they have a replacement that doesn't have the holes, also I shouldn't have an issue re-using the piston pin, right? Intend to call Gil on Monday and ask but thought I might get a head start and ask ya'lls opinions.
How bout posting a pic or two of this project? Pics help encourage others to be active in threads and helps motivate others to get after their projects. Just a thought.
Well, I have been measuring ring gaps and bearing clearances. Just making sure everything is what it needs to be. Who would have ever thunk that a 2.0L piston and connecting rod would be so slippery when coated in oil???
I am so glad OpelGTSource has such out standing customer service. Gil is THE MAN. Called him up and have a replacement on the way. Thanks Gil.
Welcome aboard.
I had similar thoughts about my Victory engine in my Cross Country Tour. Makes 90 horespower and would easily be tweaked up to 120 horse. Would sound pretty mean too being a simple V twin at 106 cubic inches. LOL. Alas I love the bike to much to steal the engine from it.
Oh, and btw, it HAS been done before.External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Give it time. They broke OpelGT dot com, so people will eventually figure it out or they won't. I am here and not looking back. And I did hit up a good 30 people or so so it's not like no one knows where to come.
Wish I had the money. That is the one thing I want for my GT. Unfortunately life is getting in the way.
Yup. Done with it. They screwed up the user garages and it is not user friendly layout. Just DONE with them.
Get woke, go broke.