Posts by Yellow73GT

    Well it's not just OpelGTdotCom, it's ALL the web sites that crappy canadian company has dug their fingers in. I have over a half dozen sites that I used to frequent and that were busy with hundreds if not thousands of posts a day, now all of them have the same or very similar issues. The common denominator? I give you three guesses and the first two wont count. Screw them. You want to help get rid of them, spread the word about this place and KILL THEIR WEB TRAFFIC. Nothing takes down a site faster than NO WEB TRAFFIC. BTW, this is not a bash on canooks, I have a lot of friends who are canooks, but that company is garbage and they need to be shut down. So, onward and FORWARD with no need to support them turds.

    Again, THANK YOU THANK YOU GARY for seeing the mistake of letting them take over and going to the effort to get this site going. You are a godsend to the Opel community. Now how about creating some Off-Road forums, some Mopar forums, some Victory forums, etc. LOL. Just kidding man, you did enough just doing this site :)

    There are some issues going on with that site since the upgrade. One of them is text cannot be entered into the reply box making it impossible to post.

    I sent them an email last night.

    Yeah, but there is always here, so matter not. And thank you for making it so Gary :D

    No. Mount Rushmore is on the west side of South Dakota. I am on the east side of North Dakota. And I will take the ocean over this flat desolate prairie, ANY day.

    definitely need more traffic through here though

    Yeah, newer sites are always slow going for awhile. Sadly some of the old codgers and sheeples over at the "other site" are stuck in the past and must like being spied on, blasted with ads/adware/viruses and censored. To bad for them. As the old saying goes "you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink"

    Ditch the points and Solex. Points are as outdated as a horse drawn chariot, and I am pretty sure Mr. Scaramanga will be paying you a visit if you dont get rid of that Solex. Unless of course you believe James actually succeeded in killing him.

    Yes, it is actually much more user friendly than the other site, IMHO. And what do you know, they don't require a govt quality encryption system for a simple login, nor do they try to imply that without it your whole entire online presence will be stolen and your life destroyed because THEY do not know how to keep there web site safe. No adds popping up everywhere trying to sell me crap I don't want or need, and so far I have not been accosted by any so called moderators who want to try to assert/force THEIR beliefs or opinions on me. Yes, I am MUCH MUCH happier with this site than the "other".

    Arguments are to be expected occasionally, it's to be expected when you have large numbers of individuals that come from different backgrounds and parts of the world. But drama caused by bad moderators and a web company who's ONLY interests are profit, thats a whole different thing and it's not needed nor should they ever be tolerated. That is why Gary starting up this site is such a great thing, it provides an ability to get away from that which was bringing down the community and get back to what it's really all about. Hopefully some of the others will agree and start posting around here instead of putting up with that garbage. The more time I spend here, the more I like the layout of this site so much better too, and NO LAME ADVERTISING poking in EVERYWHERE. Ahhhh, peace..........

    Hey Gary, have you ever been interviewed for any automobile TV shows, movies, or magazines? Just curious. I have this image in my head of what you sound like and your mannerisms (all based on my personal interactions with you via the net, and all I have read that you have posted) so since I am a ways off from getting my car done, I was just wondering if there was a youtube vid or article somewhere that would let me know if I am close or not :)

    This wasn't a poke at you Gary. I know the site was great while you were in control, but with everything that has happened over the last year or so, and the way it is being run and privacy issues, etc. I am fed up. I have saved every single thing I have ever found, on that site, that would be useful to me, so I really do not need ANYTHING from that site and I SURE AS HELL do not need an 16 to 32 place password with 10 different fonts and numbers and capitol and small letters, etc etc etc AND have to change it every couple weeks or months because VerticalScope does not know how to run a secure web site. Like I said over there, there is NOTHING on my user account on that site that is worth that kind of hassle. If it were my bank account (of which I do NOT bank on lline) then maybe, but not for a stupid user account so I can get on and talk about a 40 plus year old car. And also as I said, they WILL kill it with the bullcrap their pulling now. Changing peoples passwords and causing them to lose their long time user accounts all because THEY have no idea how to protect their "many" web sites, or the known fact they read others private messages, or the abusive threatening behavior towards some. I know that as more and more have problems and realize the same things I have, they will migrate over here KNOWING you were involved here, and then the only thing that really made that site useful nowadays (the INDIVIDUALS, the community) , will be here. I understand running a business and I know that you do NOT make your customers unhappy or they will not be your customers anymore. Works the same with web sites.

    Matter of fact, most of the behavior by the "management" over there is much the same as the current govt administration in the US, "Gee, we have a radical icklamic (miss spelled INTENTIONALLY) terrorist problem, lets take away EVERYONE else's rights and treat them all poorly and threaten them, stomp all over their constitution, and that will fix the problem."
    No common sense at all.

    You created a top notch site there and I know that this one will be as good or better, so long as it doesn't get turned over to another company that doesn't care about the community, only about profits and blaming others for their ignorance. So please, if you need help, do let us know. Because as others stated in the past over there, "If you need a fund drive to help and to keep corporate crap out of the picture, we are here for you Gary :)

    So if anyone is looking for me or what not, and for all my future Opel GT posting needs, I will be HERE. I am not going to deal with that screwed up sight anymore. I called what is going to happen, they violate privacy, and all around the site has been flushed down the toilet due to poor management and a few bad mods and users. So you will find me helping to build up this site from now. It was time for change anyway. :)

    Wow guys and gals, there was an effort made to create this forum, but NO ONE is using it? What gives? Involvement is what makes web forums great, but it seems like this one just isn't destined for much of anything other then maybe an eventual HTTP 404 or Not Found error message. HELLO.................... IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?

    Peeps need to come hang out over here more and quit wasting their time over there. I for one have had enough of the self proclaimed god/DICKtator over there who constantly harasses/threatens me and alters or removes my posts. One more f'n time and he's going to find his bs (unlike Killary, I KEEP my e-mails and pm's and I have plenty of evidence to back my statements) spread far and wide over the internet so that others get to know what a douche he is. He is a major part of why that site has started down the toilet drain, that and the lame adware, viruses and actual literal spying on members PM's and trolls who just post CRAP.

    These are my thoughts and opinions, please feel free to add your own opinions.