That's Great News, to Hear! Your doing much better and so will your GT, 👍
Posts by opellane
Very Cool !!! I am indeed liking the throttle cable and doing away with the rods that's where my gt't stiffer than I like throttle bothers me not that's it's terrible but just enough to be bothersome.
UUGGHH the wiring, son of a biscuit eater, that's never fun
Great idea with the grease fittings
Keep up the great work it all is looking fantastic
Thanks My friend for your kind words,,,Am finished with the Hood Hinge Restoration, stripped and repainted to match the GT..
some more photo's, eye candy for Opel fans, New Grease Zerks as per Rallybob,
The new Weber Cable Linkage am still working on the fabricating issues,
Here what I got, If you like it Terry, I can help you out, problem am having is locating the the throttle linkage arm I found in a parts assortment box, swap meet.
I got it working on my MGB, I don't like the bracket on the mounting bolts, I like the throttle pulled open from above, give full open throttle with my 38/38 Wever..LOL
The plate mounts on Top then goes the air filter assembly,, I made two, really need a mill machine to make a bunch, if any interest,, lever bracket hardest part, made one out of 12 gauge steel for MG. The Prototype and it's working Great after the test drive yesterday,, but it seems the top bracket will need a bit of trimming for the GT Breather hose to fit properly into the carb. filter top.. Prototype in process
Working on the linkage at throttle rod too, driver side using a Motorcycle throttle cable seems to do the trick, stay tuned for that
Nice my friend you have done a much better job than I would have.
Now that were dealing with the covid do you have more time for tinkering ?
What's the latest update
I've been busy,, kinda,, everything in a timely manner,
Repainted the Hood Hinge, see the grease zerks came out ok
Epoxy primer way to Go, only have three day to add top coat before epoxy hardens
Restored the Headlight cable, removed all the flake coating, Hung cable and Lubed Cable, and Installed 3M heat shrink tubing on the outside.. Prefer to use only the Original Cable as the after market ones have problems,, I really like popping up the headlights for the Kids.
Started to install the new Lighting Harness, and in the process am wiring the whole dam car..LOL cracked wires in engine harness.
and am working on making my GT work with Throttle cable, instead of throttle rods, stay tuned Opel Fans..LOL
Am not sure, But I think Pistons come in a match set, Looks like if your going with a balanced and blueprinted motor, nice work,
I guess all four pistons would need be identical and matched to each cylinder after Boring block,, Fitting the pistons, Piston Clearance,,,etc.. I would call Gil, at OGTS and ask him why not the same as others, Hope that helps,
Wow,, It's Sounds Like you Had your Hands Full ... Oopps ... sometimes you'd just have to Laugh at Yourself..
Glad to hear your on your Way>>>
Post a photo or two ,,cool to see what you've been up to.
I've finished with the engine bay painting Yellow, This job turned into a lot of work. I'm no Body Shop Painter that's for sure, Got a lot of orange peel, I ran into problems setting up the China Freight Spray Gun, I think next time, buyer better sprayer gun..
.Or a Bunch of cheap Spray Guns to
switch when the gun stops spraying and spitting,clogging, and screwing up the paint job. Have to say I learned something,,, I ain't no body Man, That's for sure
Now that the engine Bay and light buckets have be restored,
I reinstalled the Chrome Bumper, and next is to install the new lighting wire harness, start getting it back together.. Lots to do... still waiting on my Motor from the machine shop. So I have time to get things back in order,,
I had some rust in the light bucket under the seam sealer area, cleaned out corrosion, and treated with rust converter. Repaired
Before and after photo's
To control some of the over spray , I built a small tunnel out of Cardboard that is taped to the Tunnel and the garage floor,, This also stops the over spray to the Bottom and back of the car.. I hope it works,,
Taking a breather,,, all painted white,, have a few days,,before I have to add the top coat,,
It is hard to paint when the garage is so Cold,,, could only get the heat to max at 70, so I think I'll paint the next warm day,, I hope so.
I've Decided that the Headlight Wiring needed to be upgraded,
It had been Repaired with heavy wire years ago, and I thought I would be nice to have new wire harness, and new micro switches,, (( Paint Dust, debrie))
I've opened up a Can of worms NOW,,, found ... Rust Gremlins .. yes, hiding behind the lighting buckets.. in the corners,,under the seam sealer,, Found a few small spots... The best way is to sand blast them Rust Gremlins if your working outdoors
(( so I grind and sand,, Rust Converter, and Epoxy Primer white.... in the light buckets
I guess I'll """ Paint It all... Epoxy White Gosh it really needs it
I guess I'll seal the Paint, Engine Bay... the belly pan area and Battery Compartment Area ... these are places the Body Shops can never do a Good job.. ,, in my case they decided to paint it black.. messy Looking job
So I'll Fresh -N- Up with epoxy Sealer Paint and Matching Yellow Urethane Top Paint make it look neat again
So Here sanding and painting,, engine bays aren't easy to sand, but after a few paint jobs and dips,, Paint Runs, Black and messy looking >>>
I' am attending the Opel at Carlisle 2020 in May 15-17. Book Hotel early this season...there seems to be a lot going on in the area this year.. We have two Hotels that have rooms block off for us... not sure how many are left
We need to add the host Hotel"s to the thread..... maybe another participant can add that
I added my name to the Participant list above... I guess that like a Polling list thing... attendance record I guess.
Started taking out the headlight Buckets to re-paint and Install a new Front Lighting Wiring Harness.. more on that later.
First thing is to mark all the wiring and or photo's taken before disassembly ..yup been there done that
Then remove the Bulb mounting fixture
from the light bucket
The next step is to remove the upper bracket inside the bucket three screws on rotor spinnie Thing( Thick Tall # 8 machine screws, don't lose Gold)
and the three on the screws on the plate...
the two on the flex plate if ya ain't cuttn the wires,,((should of.cur got to get the unit off too))
then Remove the plate careful getting the wiring
Remove the bottom ( front) two screws and the rotor post and
The turn the bucket half way and Bingo that's the spot! lift it right out
""" Trick/ Tip :: The Back Of Bucket comes out First ..only one way
I try not to cut the terminals off even know am replacing with a upgraded harness
Then turn the Bucket Half way lift the back end first,,, and they pop right out
LQQK I forgot to Tape up the front to prevent scratches and mistakes,,,oops ..made none.... but If this was my first time doing this,,, I surely would be masking up the edges, and body enclosures... maybe I won't be so brave re-installing the light buckets... total time here was 3 hours
This is what usually you get back from the body shop, In my case the housing were easier for the body shop to mask then paint
Getting in a little over my head.. with the project..I hope to get all painted and re-wired before the Motor is finished... a Little everyday keeps and Opeler Happy
For some reason I can not figure it out,, why not more people start coming here
It has the same type platform as before...
The problem with is Now it more just a social page... recent to last 6 months
Tons, and tons, of Ad's and BS that follow you around won't go away..
Note: push This>>
Try and use there search box to find an old thread/topic and all the links are broken... Just better logging off and asking Google to Go find it for you on the world wide web.
maybe it will bring up the thread in the new platform..maybe not. Seems like the site is broken now... have to ask to restore a broken thread... how did it get broken?
Simple is always better in my opinion... and this place feels more like Home...
Start posting the Carlisle Information here too... If you Post it people will come
It's too bad that this thread wasn't started in the "Projects" section.
Projects is a Blog format where you start your project and then add "Articles" under that project. Comments are placed below the article, not between the article posts and new Articles could be added as you go to a different phase of your project.
I really need to do a "How to navigate" page.
I really should of started this thread in the project section, But at the time I couldn't find it,, I found the article section, over time I found it...
The Project section is in the drop down menu on the upper left...
Maybe if you have some time, Make a How to Navigate Thread, with a Q & A section
Not a fan of Opel GT dot Com anymore. The format is the same CRAP format that was used on several other sites and I really do not care for it, and I find it to be much slower loading, so I will be posting here a LOT more now. Hopefully others will come over here more often too. If not, thats fine too, really starting to not like a large portion of the population of this crappy planet anyway.
I have to agree the site became slower, Harder to search for threads, The Platform is new a different, more BS Ad's ..... and it's all out of our hands, nothing we can do about it... Changes are good and Bad... The Site is all about making them money now.. Ad's posted in middle of threads, security problems, Not too many people posting, or even logging in now.. see how that goes...
I don't have a Good feeling posting there anymore, So let's see if we can get together here Folks,,, I kinda like this site now.. it's simple once you tour the site...
The uploading of photo's , and the Project and article sections are very cool
and Gary's Here to help us through the hard times... Couldn't ask for better support
As far as people goes, we live in a new High Tech World, WE are Boomers, The new Generation is taking over, and not like us where our parents saved everything for us
The new Generation wants everything Brand New.. no hand me downs,,,, They don't want anything Old or used, heck they don't even want Pop's old Classic Car..
Why? They don't want to be told what to do.... nothing we can do about it
That's Life and were Living it.... It's all out of our hands now..
Here we Go, A another year 2020, Ok Folks,,,Let's see if we can get it going here with some Great Opel parts needed for the
Opel's at Carlisle Parts thread
I know that I was looking and needing a really nice set of GT dash Vents, the Black rectangle ones that fit right and left in dash pad ,with no broken tabs. also needing a "nice" 1975 Distributor... Dizzy maybe I'll get Lucky
I hope other will chime in with there list of Opel Parts needed for Carlisle or Parts that members attending want to sell... Post them up here
Project Update,
The Motor being rebuilt is from a 75 Manta used with Fuel Injection
While the 75 Block is best for EFI as the Block has a Rear Port to feed the Heater box,,
also the 75 block uses " Cast" Rods that's not Good/// So the machine shop will be swapping out with 1.9 forged rods... The 1.9 head I'll will be using stock 2.0 Exhaust valves and seats/2.0 intakes/Guides, and Stock 2.0 cam,, so I don't have problems setting Total advance timing,, also lightly ported... That's being done at a Machine shop on Cape Cod.
The Transmission I'll be using will be a Five Speed Getrag, that a Good friend Norbert has sent to me from Germany, some time last year with a Special Gear Selector Console.. should be pretty nice
The Front Suspension ready to Go back, after The Motor.... so I have, to strip and repaint the engine bay back to the matching Yellow color... Am not Big on Black Engine Bays,, no,no takes away from the details... So Big Job now getting the Engine Bay Prep... and to get the Complete GT Mask and covered for the Paint and sanding Over Spray..Etc ..
Stay tuned to this channel...for more update's
Just found this forum and thread the rear end looks great
I am as you know redoing my rear end not to the extent of yours
How difficult is it to change the pinion seal?
Great! Welcome... As far is Going... The Suspension work is fully completed, waiting on a rebuilt engine,, so am in the process painting the engine bay....
Here are some more Photo's , using lowering spring, and Home Made Spring Compressor,,, It not that hard to squeeze them to fit with the lowing spring... but to each there own As far as the Rear Pinion Seal... the seal drips a little bit of diff. oil on the floor... a few drops of oil in the Garage isn't too bad in my mind... when it make a huge oil puddle,, then worries.
You'll need to get the Torque Tube disconnected ... I think the hardest part for me was getting the new seal to fit plumb into the housing.
Parts came back from Powder Coat Shop... Steel Gussets were plug welded the seam weld edge to make the Control Arm bottoms Strong..then.. Sway bar Brackets welded to lower Control arms ( as per Jeff Herman... Thank You much Jeff
This would make them less prone to twisting and warping.. improving handling... Stay tune for more.. Looking Good so far.. Koni Shocks and 1 inch lowering spring, Rubber Control arm bush.. and thinking about using my 77 BMW Vented Brake Kit to improve braking... to be added soon...
Here you see I started to Remove the front suspension unit ... Removed as One whole Unit for Overhaul, Repair of Poly Bushing.... Installed over 10 years has made the suspension stiff and noisey with loss of the teflon lube,,, New Rubber Bushing is the "" Project"
Here taken down from my Kwik Lift and will be disassembled Cleaned and taken to Powder Coating Shop.