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Be careful what you use for cleaning weld areas! Brake cleaner creates phosgene gas when heated.
Article from American Iron Magazine: Safety Alert
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Be careful what you use for cleaning weld areas! Brake cleaner creates phosgene gas when heated.
Article from American Iron Magazine: Safety Alert
Better to just avoid all brake cleaners for cleaning surfaces to be welded. I use acetone myself, much safer and does an excellent job of de greasing.
WOW I deal with phosgene gas quite a bit in my line of work
I have learned over the years to allow the residual refrigerant to bleed off before soldering up refrigerant lines but sometimes it's unavoidable
So I take deep side breathes out of the phosgene zone and hold it as long as I can to get the job done
In your case, a resperator with the correct filters would be a VERY good idea.