A legitimate ride of the month voting, and a backbone and actually deleting pointlessGeorge threads.
paypal link to donate to the site to help pay for stuff
I agree to the above! It would be really cool if you could find some way where members could anonymously enter their VIN numbers, model, year, color, special features and status of their cars (restored, parts car, survivor, txt...) this would give us a good idea of the distribution of cars on the forum and be cool to look at.
I would definitely make a small donation to have that coded. -
- Official Post
Hee, Hee.. First the chat room and now the car database. We are on the same wave length Kyler. The chat room will be up shortly and I'm waiting for a car program to be updated to run on this new forum release.
Haha I guess we are on the same wavelength here! Thanks for looking into both!