I am having really tough time to navigate through the site. Trying to like it but it is difficult after Opel GT.com forum which was (still is) one of the best.
Will see how it goes. Just my honest feeling, no disrespect.
Difficult Transition
- Official Post
Thanks for the feedback, P.J. Anything in particular that made it difficult? Any suggestions for changes?
Anyone else have any inputs?
I'm still adjusting. Two specific things:
- A way to minimize the Shoutbox on the "home page" (other forums have a shoutbox feature but they all have a way to minimize it so it is not in the way)
- When there is a link within a thread, I'd prefer it to open in a new tab rather than the tab of the forum - is that a setting? (I'll go look)
good post!
I have had zero issues navigating this site.
You did an absolutely great job on this site Gary. If I ever get a chance to meet you, I will buy you your favorite refreshing beverage and shake your hand for all you do to keep the Opel community alive.