- Official Post
Comments and suggestions for the structure of the forums are welcome.
I will be adding models to the "years" forums.
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Comments and suggestions for the structure of the forums are welcome.
I will be adding models to the "years" forums.
Gary thank you for all the hours and efforts you put into assisting the
Opel owners of the world
Hey Gary.. need any support let me know.
BTW I was thinking of getting to the old OANA stuff off Hemmings and perserving it someplace. If you want it could be the start of the "tech gallery"
Yeah, we'll have that soon. I'm going to spend some more money on a file database and calendar modules.
I belong to lots of forums and some have great structures that make it very easy to navigate and also find your favorite subject. Alfaowner.com out of England has a great one even though not helpful for me because it does not cater very well to older cars. The technical section in Alfabb.com is better for that.
It has a section for all the different models (with a subsection for each model), a section for community discussion (with a different subsection for types of discussion like - Way Off Topic, Rants, Polls, Alfa Discussion, Motoring Discussion), etc... Suggest you go check it out.
Another good one that is easy to navigate and helps you find things is Lotustalk
Of the 10 car forums that I belong to, those 2 are easiest to find things. Opelgt.com has the deepest amount of technical organization in that it matches the service manual but for those of us that are not intimate with the manual, it seems intimidating at first.
Display MoreI belong to lots of forums and some have great structures that make it very easy to navigate and also find your favorite subject. Alfaowner.com out of England has a great one even though not helpful for me because it does not cater very well to older cars. The technical section in Alfabb.com is better for that.
It has a section for all the different models (with a subsection for each model), a section for community discussion (with a different subsection for types of discussion like - Way Off Topic, Rants, Polls, Alfa Discussion, Motoring Discussion), etc... Suggest you go check it out.
http://www.alfaowner.com/Forum/Another good one that is easy to navigate and helps you find things is Lotustalk
Of the 10 car forums that I belong to, those 2 are easiest to find things. Opelgt.com has the deepest amount of technical organization in that it matches the service manual but for those of us that are not intimate with the manual, it seems intimidating at first.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll check them out. I will be adding models to the years.
- Member Projects
- Club Talk (like Georgia Opelers "local" meeting stuff)
Member projects are in the blog section.
- Member Projects
- Club Talk (like Georgia Opelers "local" meeting stuff)Dieter
Member Projects are in the "Blog"
Club talk Forums:United States
Is this one good enough or would you like a GA one? Southeast
Member Projects are in the "Blog"Club talk Forums:United States
Is this one good enough or would you like a GA one? Southeast
Gary, I like the various regions, like Southeast, easier to find and choose. JMTCW
I have seen that a few members have links to opelgt.com posted on their threads. A link reports back to the site so we might be telling the other site we exist!
They already know.
Read further down in this general discussion thread.