Posts by 78Ascona

    well at this point of the video series im down to bare metal! heck yea!

    *spoiler alert, i already got my motor back from the machine shop. It's already started to go back together*

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    same same but this one stops just short of internals

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    this one covers the tear down of the motor!

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    Oh man, I forgot to update you all!

    Here is part 2

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    Here is part 3

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    As promised, here is the next iteration of pulling the motor!

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    Hey all,

    I'm making a video series of rebuilding/replacing a 1.2S motor in a 1978 Ascona B. I'm not sure how interested y'all are but if you're interested I'll link all the videos below.

    This is the first time I'll be attempting a rebuild and the first time ever editing videos, any critic or feedback is welcome!

    Thank you!


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    well motor is getting pulled! here is the prep for it.

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    Of course I'll do whatever in the end LOL I've had horrible ideas before and regretted them later on. Sometimes a Snap out of it moment is needed...

    The Aqua/Teal color was inspiried by some old pontiac motors I've seen before like the ones below. Copper and Gold accessories were taken from comments over at GRM. Maybe a white valve cover would look OK too.

    Hey all, removing my motor today and wanted to get some ideas on what color to paint my motor.

    Unusually, I do care about how this car looks and want it to be a nice looking car. Inside and out.

    That said here is a picture of the bay and the car, Give me some color ideas! I'm open minded so anything from neon colors to black is ok with me.


    Here is the compression test results, tool arrived a little bit ago

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    I did the compression test today and will update later when im done editing that video.

    Forgot to mention! i fixed all the freakin door handles too, half of them were non-op when i bought the car. gotta figure out what to do about a bad locking cylinder, put the key in and the whole thing comes out.

    also i noticed my older posts are not showing the pictures like they do in my newer posts, any reason why?

    So i daily'd the car for a couple weeks before another major issue showed itself... I borrowed a pressure cleaner from a guy in the local area to me and cleaned the eff outta the motor/trans. had to figure out where the horrible disgustingness was coming from. found it was a couple of seals in the trans and the valve cover gasket. Ordered up/fixed the issues and the thing was otherwise a good clean motor... until i managed to get oil coming out of the aircleaner box really badly.

    cars oil light came on was clue #1, light oil spray in the bay was clue #2 and opening the box after a rough run was the nail in the coffin of something is seriously wrong.

    Decided it was time to park it and order tools to help me determine whats necessary to replace/fix, signs of serious blow by was the initial reaction. First tool to come in was a vacuum gauge, which can tell you compression but didnt do me much help... still a good tool for valve train issues, timing and other things.

    made a video showing how i went about that process.

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    while i was waiting for the compression tester to show up i had some coolant hoses show up... with a surprise! i was hoping it would stay free since they fit the car but im not sure it'll stay that way. company has asked for them back but hasnt responded to my reply on ebay...

    LOL no I'm very thankful that my wife puts up with my shit.

    I didn't rebuild the subframe how i wanted since getting those bushings in wasn't worth the hassle. Bought a new one on the other side of the local area, still used but seems like the bushings would pass inspection. No pictures of that! sorry...

    Oh, so during the front end rebuild the tie rod ends were rust-welded on to the steering rack. Had to redo everything outside of the rack itself; no pictures of that either but i did take a pic of the at home alignment i did.

    While i was at it, i decided to put on the new wheels too!

    Decided at that point it was time to give it a test drive, too bad that it broke down and was time to rebuild the distributor. shes running again temporarily, but not for long after this bafoonery was required to get it back home. Yes, that is an old accessory belt that it tied to the subframes and tow hook.

    She ran strong and i got plates on her, though only for a moment. more on that later...

    Windshield got replaced as well! that was a pita to do. took me a little over an hour to get the rubber on the glass and another 3-4 hrs with the help of a buddy to get it installed. word to the wise, soapy water and thick enough wire will do the trick. align the window from the top and set it down on the lower lip, when you have a thick enough gauge wire any youtube vid will help finish the job.

    also, while shopping for lock cylinders i noticed a lot of the wheels cylinders from other similar era GM cars were much the same, does anyone know if those parts are interchangeable? I've yet to find info confirming or denying that these are off the shelf GM parts, if anyone knows if i can rob parts of these to make my set of locks work i'd appreciate it.

    So today i managed to get all of the door handles operational. There was two that did not work, but one of them just needed tightening to the body; the other had the part of the mechanism resting in the bottom of the door. Went to Hela (german home depot) and grabbed two washers and one small screw, fixed the mechanism in store and installed it in the parking lot. WIN!

    Still waiting on all of my gaskets to arrive to fix the leaks i found, another one did pop up after i bought parts (yay...) but it was the water pump from the looks of it. I could probably use some rtv gasket maker and be set for inspection. In all likeliness ill just pressure wash it right before i drive in and fix it properly at a later date.

    Waiting on the glass guys to get back to me and I'll call tomorrow to get everything I need from them and take a trip up next weekend to actually pick the thing up.

    I do have one issue still and i was hoping you all could help, the drivers door lock doesnt work at all. It's a simple door cylinder attached to a little plastic arm by a ring type deal; the arm is also attached to the rods that actually lock and unlock the door. my assumption is that this has to pretty common as the plastics get older and if there was a work around to this. i've been browsing the web and there is supposed to be a different type of lock but the site wont let me see it because its behind some sort of paywall.

    This is the site behind a paywall: