Opel is back on the road!

  • So other than the compliment i got from one of the contractors at work, i got a few odds and ends to take care of. Wanted to try and get the drivers side door lock operational, passenger side door handle operational, the driver side door seal replaced and the last few leaks taken care of. The big project will be replacing the front glass... yaaaay. Gotta take a trip up to cologne to get the thing inspected in a reasonable amount of time.

    what a freakin adventure to get this thing to where it is today. so close yet so far

  • So today i managed to get all of the door handles operational. There was two that did not work, but one of them just needed tightening to the body; the other had the part of the mechanism resting in the bottom of the door. Went to Hela (german home depot) and grabbed two washers and one small screw, fixed the mechanism in store and installed it in the parking lot. WIN!

    Still waiting on all of my gaskets to arrive to fix the leaks i found, another one did pop up after i bought parts (yay...) but it was the water pump from the looks of it. I could probably use some rtv gasket maker and be set for inspection. In all likeliness ill just pressure wash it right before i drive in and fix it properly at a later date.

    Waiting on the glass guys to get back to me and I'll call tomorrow to get everything I need from them and take a trip up next weekend to actually pick the thing up.

    I do have one issue still and i was hoping you all could help, the drivers door lock doesnt work at all. It's a simple door cylinder attached to a little plastic arm by a ring type deal; the arm is also attached to the rods that actually lock and unlock the door. my assumption is that this has to pretty common as the plastics get older and if there was a work around to this. i've been browsing the web and there is supposed to be a different type of lock but the site wont let me see it because its behind some sort of paywall.

    This is the site behind a paywall: http://forums.mantaclub.org/topic/40787-orange-no-more/

  • also, while shopping for lock cylinders i noticed a lot of the wheels cylinders from other similar era GM cars were much the same, does anyone know if those parts are interchangeable? I've yet to find info confirming or denying that these are off the shelf GM parts, if anyone knows if i can rob parts of these to make my set of locks work i'd appreciate it.